Top-5 Things I Love About The Holidays

5 – The time of year

Here on the front range and certainly up in the mountains it is a time of change. The weather leads the way as we get warm and sunny followed by snow then cool and gray, you get the sense, it’s ever changing. This is when I work to get my old body ready for the cold of real winter which is odd here in that it can be 20 and sunny and you’ll end up peeling layers off. Up in the mountains the cold air is flowing a great time for an extended hike with the horizon littered with beautiful snow capped 14K mountains. The snow and rain bring a Pacific Northwest feel and smell to the woods that is invigorating and refreshing. Once back at the cabin we have the post hike hot tub to work out the kinks before taking a nap in front of the fireplace. It’s not big or grand, but it works.

4 – Day after turkey sandwiches

Not sure what it is but home cooked turkey makes the best sandwiches. And you can fix them hot or cold. With or without cranberry and all the other wild things I’ve seen. Second to the sandwich experience is warming up a second lunch/dinner with all the leftovers. In our house we have to fight to make sure we keep some turkey and fixings for ourselves. The kids and friends love to help clean up, aka make themselves to-go packs. With the headcount up to 24, Elle and I have our work cut out for us. 

3 – Supporting Veterans and local charities

We support veterans as we can through the American Legion by donating turkeys and hams and providing bags of basic necessities. Around Christmas we gather up bike donations and more food for families in need. Elle donates to Food Bank of the Rockies. We do a food drive in our condo building and the greater community. Now that we are essentially retired, we plan to donate our time too.

2 – Pumpkin pie

What can I say… I’d eat it year-round. I like medium density with deep pumpkin and spice flavor. Elle is making two. I asked for a third one just for myself, DENIED! Sweet potato pie is a close favorite from my time stationed in Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. It was easy to find once you got outside of the greater Tampa area. The one exception, Jimbo’s BBQ on West Kennedy Blvd. An excellent place I write about in ST-1 and ST-2.

1 – Family and friends

When I was younger, I liked family get-togethers over the holidays, more so at my aunts and uncle’s houses. My dad and I had a contentious relationship so eat and scoot was my MO. One aunt lived near the beach and one near the Eel River and local redwood mill. After the meal I’d listen to my uncle’s hunting stories then switch to my grandma Anderson and ask about her time with the Blackfeet in North Dakota. When the stories wound down, I would wander off to the beach or go fishing. During my twenties I spent several years during Thanksgiving skydiving in Florida, with a quick call on Thanksgiving and Christmas for proof of life.

It wasn’t until my mid-thirties that I started to appreciate getting together as valuable and irreplaceable time. My great grandmother who’d come across the southern states territories in a horse drawn wagon passed at 100. Then a decade later my grandmother died at 96. There was a period in my late forties where it seemed someone I cared for was passing every month. I look back now and see how loss drove me to value what I’d once taken for granted and even shunned.

Today I value spending time with family and friends with all their idiosyncrasies and mine in the great mixing bowl called life. It’s time for parties, food, drink and talking over each other. Our youngest grandson wants to help Nana with cooking and serving this year so the tradition of the kids helping continues, as does life. 

Have a safe and happy holidays.


Top-5 Bucket List Items

#5 – Have a book made into a movie or TV series.

Regardless of any participation, having someone who sees one of my books as worth investing in would as the saying goes, be very cool! Very happy to see The Terminal List and The Gray Man make it to the screen. What do you guys think? Does Shadow Tier have what it takes? I mean come on, it’s a better story than most of the B movies filling up Netflix and Amazon, but just my opinion.

#4 – Africa Safari

I grew up reading National Geographic and watching Wild Kingdom. It fueled my love for travel, especially international travel. One of the few places left in the world that I want to go, camera in hand, is Africa to see large game animals up close and herds of anything from the air.

#3 – Drive Le Mans

I have been a fan of the 24 hrs of Le Mans since the sixties when Ford beat Ferrari. Traveling to experience the race firsthand is coincidental with wanting to drive the course. Looking at 2024 as my year to close out this bucket list item.

#2 – Be on Chopped with my wife

My wife can cook. She teaches cooking. So, I’m thinking she could drag my sorry “good with the BBQ and smoker” backside through at least two rounds. We’d kill 'em with our apps and main course, then fight like crazy in the desert round.

#1 – Travel the world with my wife - book research of course!

We have a trip to the Caribbean or Mexico we are looking at for this winter. We also are beginning to plan out my first time in Italy. One of the few places in Europe I have not been to and want to go. Thinking Rome, then driving up the west coast to Cinque Terre before taking the train northeast to Venice. From Venice to St Moritz Switzerland and then most likely north but that is still undecided.

Top-5 Things To Let Go As A New Writer

  1. Let it be – That you are going to write a bestseller. Instead commit to write your best book. 

  2. Let it be – your excitement will wane. This is where discipline will take up the slack when motivation can’t. 

  3. Let it be – You will feel you editor doesn’t understand. Remember they are trying to help you, so help them understand and take the feedback. 

  4. Let it be – you will query to the point of WHAT’S THE POINT??? Never Quit!!! Get feedback on your query materials and go again.

  5. Let it be – you will have imposter syndrome. It may hammer you; it may just be a flash of self-doubt. Know that we are all imposters and beginners until we are not. Don’t quit, you have a story in you that people want to read.

“It takes ten thousand hours to truly master anything. Time spent leads to experience; experience leads to proficiency; and the more proficient you are the more valuable you’ll be.” — Malcolm Gladwell

#NEVERQUIT #Amwriting #Writerscommunity

Top-5 Pistols And Rifles From Shadow Tier

#5 – US Navy SEALs Hush Puppy/ Russian PB – Wolf never uses one in his fight against Sinaloa but has used it in his past. In Shadow Tier Wolf askes Chief Irwin if he knows anyone that can make the same modifications to his Russian PB. He does and its value is seen when Wolf plants bombs in the cartel aircraft. 

The US Navy added a slide lock to the frame of their Smith and Wesson Model 39 to prevent the slide from operating, thus making the pistol a single shot. This was done to prevent the enemy from hearing the pistol operate. The suppressor was so effective with subsonic ammunition that the loudest part of the gun was the cycling of the slide. A detachable wire shoulder stock and holster were also part of the weapon package. The suppressor, called the Mark 3, was 5” long and weighed 8 ozs. Because the frogmen often operated in a marine environment, a chamber plug and muzzle cap made from phenolic were included in the Mark 22 kit. Special ammunition, Mark 4, featured a 158-gr. FMJ bullet with a green tip and loaded to 900 fps. Also included as part of the kit was a spare suppressor insert tube with extra heavy rubber wipes. These wipes were reputed to be serviceable for a couple of dozen rounds or so before needing replacement.

#4 – US Army M-21 sniper system and follow on M25 improvements. The Shadow Tier team snipers use the M21 system at the exchange in the desert of the NTC and MARS site.

Based on the M14, it has a National Match M14 barrel in a McMillan glass bedded fiberglass stock uses a special gas piston, a National Match spring guide and a Brookfield Precision Tool Advanced Scope Mounting System. Most rifles use scopes made by Leupold including the Ultra Mark 4 M1, Ultra Mark 4 M3, and Vari X-III LR M3. Suppressors for use with this rifle were manufactured by OPS.

#3 – Welrod Mk II Team uses the Welrod’s at the Beverly Wilshire to take out Javier Arellano Felix bodyguard and then later the same when they capture Eliana Cortes. 

The Welrod takes the form of a 1.25-inch-diameter (32 mm) cylinder, about 12 inches (300 mm) long. The rear section of the cylinder contains the bolt, the middle section, the vented (16-20 ports) barrel and expansion chamber for the barrel, and the front section, the baffles (rubber) and wipes of the suppressor. There is a knurled knob at the rear that serves as the bolt handle, which unlocks when rotated 90 degrees. The magazine is also the grip and can be removed for easier conceal-ability. The exclusion of a pistol grip was apparently done to help conceal the weapon's purpose and in some groups it was called a "bicycle pump" due to its innocuous look with the magazine/grip removed.[1]

The Welrod is provided with sights marked with luminescent paint for use in low light conditions. Regarding operating range, the Mk I manual states: "It is accurate up to 30 yd (27 m) in daylight or 20 yd (18 m) on a fairly light night, but is most effective when fired in contact with the target." The muzzle end of the gun is ground slightly concave to minimize noise during a contact shot; this may have also improved grip against the target, decreasing the chance of missing. 

The ported barrel of the Welrod serves two purposes: it releases the powder gases gradually into the rear of the suppressor, reducing the sound of firing, and it reduces the velocity of the bullet to subsonic speeds (especially important in the 9 mm version since the standard 9 mm loading is supersonic). The metal baffles and rubber wipes that follow the barrel serve to further slow the gases of firing, releasing them over a longer period of time and avoiding the sharp explosion that occurs when high pressure powder gases are suddenly released to the atmosphere. The Welrod uses a bolt-action design because it is simple, reliable and quiet. The bolt-action has only the noise of the firing pin hitting the primer, and the bolt can be cycled quietly.

Magazines of six and eight rounds were produced.

#2 – M4A1 SOPMOD Post formation of Shadow Tier everyone qualifies on the M4A1 in their setup they have built using the SOPMOD parts. 

The Special Operations Peculiar MODification (SOPMOD) kit is an accessory system for the M4A1 carbine and other weapons used by USSOCOM, though it is not specific to SOCOM. The kit allows US SOF personnel to configure their weapons to individual preferences and mission requirements. The program dates back to September 1989, when the Special Operations Special Technology (SOST) Modular Close Combat Carbine Project was founded. This was the first program to standardize components from the 1970s/1980s era of "duct tape and hose clamps". The Material Need Statement (MNS) was signed on May 1992, and by September 1993, the Operational Requirements Document (ORD) for the program was validated. Responsibility for the program was then assigned to NSW Crane. The SOPMOD kit is  composed mostly of non-developmental items and commercial off-the-shelf (NDI/COTS) accessories packaged together to support four M4A1 carbines 

#1 – AK – 103 This is the rifle type that Capt. Gonzalez gets for Wolf and the team when they attack the logistics center in Sonora before the formation of the unit 

The AK-103 is an assault rifle designed by Russian designer Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1994. It is an AK-100 derivative of the AK-74M that is chambered for the 7.62x39mm M43 cartridge, similar to the AKM. The AK-103 can be fitted with a variety of sights, including night vision and telescopic sights, plus a bayonet or a grenade launcher like the GP-34. It uses plastic components where possible instead of wood or metal, with such components being the pistol grip, handguards, folding stock and depending on the type, the magazine.

Top-5 First Aid & Life Saving Products

Let’s start with #1 this time.

#1 – Training, Training, Training – simple right? Hard to provide aid or save someone’s life without training. Without training all you can really do is call 911. But it doesn’t have to be the case going forward. Here are some great training resources for you.

Fieldcraft Survival – Emergency Medical Treatment Training - Medical - Fieldcraft Survival

Warrior Poet - Med 1: Medical Combat Training Course (

Red Cross - Emergency Medical Response (EMR) | Red Cross

#2 – Tourniquet (2 each) – 80-90% of the time direct pressure works. Learn how to make a pressure dressing from available materials and your individual first aid kit (IFAK). If direct pressure is not enough go to the tourniquet. If you recognize arterial bleeding, go to the tourniquet.

But before any of the above, get Training with the style of tourniquets you carry and refresh it every year.

#3 – Trauma dressing 6 x 6 with long tails. Permits dressing any limb with a simple ace bandage application that reduces the need for fine motor skills in high stress situations. Can be used as a sling and in many other applications.

#4 – Survival blanket – Shock is a sign that something is not right, moist, pale, cool clammy skin along with increased heart rate and breathing rate are your indicators. Often due to blood loss, there are many reasons for going into shock. The idea is to keep the patient’s temperature in a normal range which helps with clotting and gives the patient a better sense of I will be okay.

#5 – Trauma shears – There are a thousand uses for trauma shears from cutting a seatbelt to cutting the patients clothes to assess their wound(s) to cutting your clothes to make a pressure dressing. 

To be honest I carry 25-30 items in my first aid kit. But I have 16 weeks of combat medic and lots of OJT with teammates who have completed the yearlong Special Forces 18D training.

Get the training, be competent with your IFAK and vehicle kits. Know your limits and call for help as soon as possible. Hopefully you will never need to practice your skills, but hope is not a strategy. 

Be trained, be ready, and be thankful if you don’t need to apply them.

Top-5 Mountain Bike Trails

#5 – Cheyenne Mtn State Park – Big Loop Intermediate Route 

Fun flowy blues with a little techie section (rocks and boulders) on Medicine Wheel trail. Loops are a blast on the way down. Trail markers are small and a little hard to read so study the map before hand. Overall all a very well made trail system and probably one of the only places in town that's not packed on a weekend probably due to the $8 daily park pass fee. 

#4 – Winter Park Downhill – Trestle Bike Park – 600 miles of trails

Trestle Bike Park is the place to get your gravity fed fix in the heart of Mountain Bike Capital, USA. Located at Winter Park Resort, Trestle has the largest rental fleet in the US and is perfect for any skill level to shred and progress.

#3 - Buena Vista Big Single Track - Intermediate

Big loop from town following newer single track with epic views. After riding, Buena Vista offers lots of alternatives for food and drink. The Arkansas river flows through town and nearby lakes offer water sports options too.

#2 - Fantasy Island Tucson AZ – Beginner & Intermediate

Fantasy Island’s main loop, Lone Cactus, has many side loops off of it so you can pick the mileage you want to do. All loops have a varying degree of technical areas, with nothing being super technical, though keep your eyes open for sudden more technical sections. All northern loops (Cactus, Christmas Tree, Burro and Bo’s) have lots of short hills that will get your cardio going. The rest is very flat, fast and fun. If you ride all the trails, you’ll have ridden close to 26 miles!

#1 – Twin Lakes Trail – Beginner & Intermediate with one Expert section

A great ride. Scenic, well marked, and fun. The only difficult spot was the (hike-a-bike) Rock Garden. I ride the south side to the stream crossing then back to the flowy cross over to the historic Interlaken resort lots of fun! More beautiful vista’s

Top-5 Pistols

#5 – Colt Woodsman – .22 caliber is a semi-automatic sporting pistol manufactured from 1915 to 1977. It was designed by John Moses Browning The frame design changed over time, in three distinct series: series one being 1915–1941, series two 1947–1955, and series three being 1955–1977.

I have my grandfather’s series one model. It is the first pistol I ever shot. With it I learned marksmanship and weapons safety starting at the age of six.

#4 – Dan Wesson 15-2 357 Magnum - The Model 15-2 became the most well known and the best selling Dan Wesson revolver model to go into production. The 15-2 introduced more barrel and shroud options, including barrel/shroud lengths of 2.5, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 15 inches, partial or fully lugged shrouds with choices of solid or ventilated ribs, plus removable and interchangeable front sights. The Model 15-2 could be ordered as "Pistol Pacs" with 3 (initially) and later 4 (or more) barrel/shroud sets shipped inside a fiberglass briefcase with barrel changing tool and clearance gauges.

Supremely accurate and very quick to reload due to the cylinder latch in front of the cylinder I could, in my younger days, reload as quick as my competitors with automatics. 

#3 – Ruger Super Blackhawk 44 Magnum - In the early 1950s, westerns were popular in movies and television. Colt had discontinued the iconic Single Action Army prior to WWII, and few single-action revolvers were available to meet market demand for cowboy-style revolvers. In 1953, the new firm of Sturm, Ruger & Company introduced the Single-Six which proved to be a popular seller, leading Ruger to develop and market a revolver similar to the Single Action Army: the Ruger Blackhawk. The Ruger Blackhawk was named after the Stutz Blackhawk automobile. In 1956, as Smith & Wesson was introducing the new 44 Magnum, Ruger quickly developed a variant of the Blackhawk in the new cartridge which sold well owning to its lower cost and better availability.

My Super Blackhawk cambered in 44 Magnum could fire both magnum and special rounds. The 44 equivalent of 357 magnum and 38 special. I hunted with the pistol and had fun firing the much lower power 44 special rounds which let me fan the pistol like a movie cowboy. Of course I had the cowboy holster, if I had only added a lever action Winchester 94 rifle. A shoulda, coulda been fun memory. 


#2 – Glock 43 - Glock pistols are made in five form factors, all modeled after the original full-sized Glock 17. “Subcompact" models are designed for easier carry and being lighter and shorter, are intended to be used with two fingers on the grip below the trigger guard and lack an accessory rail like the larger, after generation two, Glock models. 

A Glock 43 with mag extension is my every day carry pistol. It is very accurate, easy to conceal – I have a Colorado concealed weapons permit – and easy to maintain/modify. The new 43X ups the number rounds in a standard magazine. 

#1 – Browning High Power - The Browning Hi-Power is a single-action, semi-automatic pistol available in the 9mm and .40 S&W calibers. It was based on a design by American firearms inventor John Browning, and completed by Dieudonné Saive at Fabrique Nationale (FN) of Herstal, Belgium. Browning died in 1926, several years before the design was finalized. FN Herstal initially named the design the "High Power", which alludes to the 13-round magazine capacity, almost twice that of other designs at the time, such as the Luger or Colt M1911. Production was stopped in 2018. Then clones were made, Springfield Armory being one. The resurgence in popularity caused FN to restart production with many new features.

This is my favorite pistol period. So much so that I broke several regulations and policies to take it versus my service weapon down range. It fits my hand perfectly allowing for fast and accurate target engagement. 93 countries use or have used BHP to include FBI HRT. 1.5M were manufactured not including all the clones. Besides Belgium models I have an Argentine model that was made there under license agreement with FN.

Lance Bear Wolf is in some ways a creature of habit. That’s why he still carries a modified BHP versus the SIG and Glock models available during the late 90s when Shadow Tier takes place. 

I hope you have enjoyed this look at my top five pistols. Next month, what is in my EDC bag?

Top-5 Trout Recipes

These of course are just five recipes I like, how about you? Please share your recipes for trout and salmon, my favorite fish!

A final note: My Wife has over a thousand cookbooks, and I am a collector of wild game cookbooks in particular. If you have a favorite let me know. I’m always on the lookout for more. One of our squadron members shared a game cookbook from Mississippi and I was able to find a copy and order one for myself. Thanks DD!


Blackened Trout With Spicy Kale

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 stalks celery, finely chopped
5 scallions, sliced (white and green parts separated)
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 1/2 teaspoons Cajun seasoning
2 1/2 teaspoons light brown sugar
2 15-ounce cans kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1 15-ounce can no-salt-added diced tomatoes
3 cups frozen kale, turnip or mustard greens (about 8 ounces)
Louisiana-style green hot sauce
4 4-to-5-ounce trout fillets, pin bones removed, patted dry
Lemon wedges, for serving

Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the celery and scallion whites and cook, stirring occasionally, until soft, 4 to 5 minutes. Add the garlic and 1 teaspoon each Cajun seasoning and brown sugar and cook, stirring, 30 seconds. Add the beans, tomatoes and 3/4 cup water; bring to a simmer and cook until the liquid is slightly reduced, 10 to 12 minutes.

Stir in the kale and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Add the scallion greens and a few dashes of hot sauce.

Meanwhile, mix the remaining 1 1/2 teaspoons each Cajun seasoning and brown sugar and sprinkle on the flesh side of each fish fillet. Heat 1/2 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat; add 2 fillets, seasoned-side down, and cook, undisturbed, until blackened on the bottom, 3 to 4 minutes. Carefully turn the fillets and cook until opaque, about 1 more minute. Transfer to plates. Repeat with the remaining 1/2 tablespoon oil and 2 fish fillets. Serve with the kale and lemon wedges.

Trout Orleans

Flour, to dust
White pepper
2 eggs, beaten
Clarified butter
3 ounces fresh breadcrumbs
2 (1/4-pound) trout fillets, skin on
2 medium bananas, peeled and cut in 1/2 lengthwise
1 (4-ounce) tomato, cored and thinly sliced
1 lemon, rind and pith removed, pulp sliced into thin rounds
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 egg yolks
4 ounces salted butter
1 tablespoon chives, finely chopped

Season flour with salt and pepper, to taste. Mix eggs and 2 tablespoons clarified butter to make egg wash. Season with salt and pepper. Coat each fillet in flour, then egg wash, then breadcrumbs. Shake to remove excess.

Heat clarified butter in large baking dish over medium-high heat and fry fish, turning once after 2 minutes. Add bananas alongside fish and cook, turning once. Cook fish for 4 minutes on second side. Remove from pan and place on flameproof platter, garnish with bananas and tomato and lemon slices. Season with salt and pepper. Preheat broiler.

Pour lemon juice in double boiler and stir in egg yolks. Season with salt and pepper. Add 2 ounces fresh butter to egg/lemon mixture and whisk until smooth, careful not to overcook. Stir in remaining butter to finish sauce and add chives.

Meanwhile, broil garnished fish for 4 minutes until brown. Serve immediately, napped with sauce.

Elle’s Panko-Crusted Trout

4 (about 6-oz.) Trout filets
1c. flour
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. freshly ground pepper
2 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 c. Japanese panko breadcrumbs
2 T. oil for frying
Lemon wedges to serve

Season fish with salt and pepper. Place eggs, flour, and breadcrumbs in separate shallow containers.
Dip each filet in the following order: Flour, eggs, and then breadcrumbs.
In a 10 inch skillet heat oil, the lighter the better, until shimmering hot.
Place filets in oil and fry turning once until golden brown, about 3 to 4 minutes. Do not overcook.
Makes four servings.

Smoked Trout From David Smith At WideOpenSpaces

Steven Rinella says that he typically smokes smaller trout up to 14 inches in length. Here's the ingredient list for his brine:

¾ cup kosher salt
½ cup granulated sugar
¼ cup brown sugar
¼ cup honey
8 cups lukewarm water
6 whole trout, up to 13 inches long, gutted, gills removed
1 (8-inch) length cotton kitchen twine for each fish, tied into a loop (optional)

Although Rinella uses a Weston smoker, you can use any smoker or even turn your grill into a smoker. All you really need is a space big enough to hold the fish - either suspended or laying flat - and a chamber to slowly burn (or smoke) your chosen wood.

Dissolve all of the ingredients together and chill. Completely submerge the cleaned trout in the brine, and weigh them down with a heavy plate. Let them soak for at least six hours in your refrigerator.

Then, remove the fish and pat them dry. Lay them on a rack in the fridge for two or three hours until they harden up a bit and feel tacky.

Get your smoker ready and preheat it to around 170 degrees. Use a wood that will lend a flavor you prefer to the fish. Suspend or lay the fish flat around a foot from the smoke source, and make sure that they aren't touching one another.

Start checking the fish after three or four hours. The fins will be dry and firm and the skin will be easy to peel away from the flesh. Get out the crackers and beer and enjoy!

If you start early this entire process can easily be completed in less than a day.

Trout Meunière / Amandine - From The Paupered Chef Via Julia Child

1 small river trout, butterflied or pan-dressed
flour for dredging
salt and pepper
2 tablespoon neutral oil with a high smoke point, such as grapeseed
4 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon fresh-squeeze lemon juice
small handful finely chopped parsley
1/4 cup sliced almonds (optional)

Meunière means "Miller's Wife" and there are a number of theories to the origin of this name for flour-dredged fish. My favorite is that the miller's wife, preparing lunch, had so much flour on her hands from the mill that it transferred to the fish. Turns out, flour does wonderful things for the crust of the fish

Rinse and dry the fish thoroughly. It needs to be as dry as possible to that you can brown it well in the pan. Liberally sprinkle both sides with salt and pepper and dry again.

Put some flour in a shallow bowl and dredge the fish in all sides so that it's completely coated, then shake off any excess.

Put a skillet with room for the whole fish to lay flat over high heat. Add the oil and heat until the pan is absolutely smoking hot, the oil is shimmering, and the fans are on. This is a quick cooking process, and it needs to be raging hot.

Tilt the skillet away from you so that the oil doesn't splatter, and lay the fish, flesh-side down, in the skillet. Cook over high heat until a golden crust has developed on the flesh side, about 3 minutes, then carefully flip and cook for another minute skin-side down. Most of the cooking will happen on the flesh side to develop that crust.

Carefully remove the fish to a plate and tent with foil, or place in a low oven. Pour out the hot oil and allow the pan to cool down for at least a minute--if not, the butter will burn.

Add the butter to the pan over medium heat and allow it to melt, swirling it around often. Add the almonds, if using, and cook until the milk solids in the butter begin to turn golden and then brown. It should smell nutty and delicious, but be careful, as they will go from deep brown to black when you're not looking, and then you have to start over.

When the butter is close, add the parsley, which will sizzle and sputter. To stop the butter from browning further, add the lemon juice and take off the heat. Transfer the fish to a plate and spoon the sauce over it.

Devour immediately.

Top-5 Recent Books

End of Days by Brad Taylor
A five star read that is hard to put down. A serial killer hidden in an ancient order bent on bringing bible revelations to life regardless of the cost.

Sierra Six by Mark Greaney
Not one but two stories by the master of the Gray Man series. Set 12 years apart, the linkage becomes apparent as Gentry learns an old, long thought dead adversary is still breathing. Drawn into a web of lies and deception he accepts his role and determines to put a dangerous man once and for all.

Armored (Audible) by Mark Greaney
This audible reading by a stellar cast of actors reminded me of the days of radio shows (reruns in the 60s). Right away you are rooting for Duff as he tries with his last breath to save the wife of his protectee. Years later his is recruited by a friend but all is not as its seems. As the story and Duff understanding of what he has gotten himself into unfold you are once again rooting for Duff to save his team and get back to wife who is doing everything she can to save him. Another five star thriller from Mark Greaney.

Grim Measures by David Darling
What would you do if you daughter was kidnapped? David has knocked it out of the park with this novella. The tension is palpable as are the emotional highs and lows you experience with John as he never stops in his hunt for Ava. Then out of the blue he is contacted. He can get his daughter back, all he has to do is kill an FBI Special Agent. Well worth the time and money invested, David has written another superb thriller.

A Therapeutic Death: Violent Short Stories by J.B. Stevens
J.B. continues to impress with his no punches pulled style of writing. Veterans, a mixed-martial arts fighter, two friends helping another, an assassin, and new Federal marshal all bring the best and worst of humankind to the page in a series of hard-hitting and fast-paced stories sure to keep you thinking long after you put the book down.