About Steve: I’m A+

A+ blood type is the second-most common type of blood. 1 in 3 people. A positive blood type individuals are very important in maintaining the blood supply chain. The blood group is determined by the genes found on chromosome 9. Blood group A contains antigen A on red cells with the antibody B present in the plasma.

Blood group A people are more prone to cancer, allergies, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. I'm lucky I just have two of the four, allergies and blood clotting.

However, on the positive side, type A people are less magnetic to the mosquitoes. Thank You!

Type A blood types have certain generic personality traits to them. 

They tend to be more practical, intricate, innovative, introverted, patient, punctual and sensitive.

On the negative, they are more stubborn and self-obsessive. No, I’m not! Well yeah, I can be.

As a kid I remember holding onto the bunk bed for dear life when my parents wanted to take me to county health services to get shots. Strange, I have no memory of why I was so scared of needles. My mom had to hold me while dad lifted the top of the bunk bed off to unhook my arms.

One of the first things to happen at basic training is inoculations, aka shots. I was scared but thanks to unsaid peer group pressure I manned up and kept quiet. Flinching when the medics are using air guns to give you the shots is not advised and led to some bloody arms on guys in my group.

Six years later at the combat medic course, phase 1 in the SF medic pipeline, I was on my second World Health Organization (WHO) booklet of shots having gotten to travel to so many fun out of the way places. I was a want-to-be medic on a special forces team so had some experience giving shots and IV’s. When we got to the shots and IV’s portion of the course, I played pin cushion for other students. The exciting times were when a student would attempt to find the vein, they completely missed and started digging around.

Now I don’t feel shots, blood draws or IV’s. When you’re in the hospital and sleep through the blood draws you know you’ve made it.

What’s the weirdest shot you remember? Mine was the early rabies vaccine, two shots bright purple. Had to shave twice as often and howled at the full moon. Or maybe that was just a team party. A story for another time.