Steve's 2 Cents - Gratitude

As we traverse and hopefully enjoy this holiday season, I’d like to talk about Gratitude. 

For many years, into my mid-thirties at least, I was task focused. Knock them down and on to the next. One eye on the promotion ladder, the other on having fun. Running at an all consumed high speed for years on end had some benefit but left little time to be grateful. Material things were to be used and discarded when inoperable. I hunted for titles and badges never stopping to count my blessings, okay maybe for a second after a near double parachute malfunction, but just for a second.

Slowly but surely, and with some professional help, I started to see more value in things, and the people, and relationships in my life. I learned to be grateful for what I had, to include myself, craziness, and all. The idea of an attitude of gratitude seemed silly at first but I soon got to know its power. I learned, I could change my day by asking myself what I was grateful for, focused on what I had. I also learned; I could use that moment to restart my day with a new outlook that made even the grind seem better.

I’ve never met him in person but on Twitter we know him as @ActualMurf. His morning quotes often end with Choose Wisely.

I don’t consider myself wise, but I like to act as if, and this holiday season I choose Gratitude!